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Birthday Present Ideas That Don’t Suck
Trying to find birthday presents ideas that don’t actually suck, especially for the difficult people in your life is often a frustrating process of what nightmares are made of. How much do you spend? Where do you even start? Do you really have to buy something for your third cousin’s twice removed sister Linda’s best friend Bob?
Relax. We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to – we’re cute like that. Here’s a list of people to consider buying for and present ideas to impress even the most difficult person in your life. You’re welcome!
Your Boss
Whether you are groveling to your boss for a promotion, or you’re one of those two people in the world that actually like them, getting your boss a birthday present screams attentive employee (or massive suck up, but whatever!). Enough with the scratchie or lotto tickets, though! It’s the most impersonal gift you can give someone and you’re better than that. It’s also kinda pointless because let’s be honest, there’s more chance of next year’s Christmas party occurring on the moon then you gifting the winning ticket. But say hell froze over, pigs started flying and they did win, you’re going to be kicking yourself that you gave it away and then you’ll resent them for the rest of your life. This just doesn’t end well.
A nice scarf or a bottle of scotch are far more thoughtful gifts. Alternatively, you could buy them the Fifty Shades of Grey Box set because let’s face it, awkward work situations are hilarious!
Even if your monster-in-law, I mean mother-in-law is the biggest pain in the you know what, her birthday is the best time of year to score brownie points or, at least, get one up on her. Why not do something really special by finding a photo from her wedding day and turning it into a beautiful canvas print with the Canvas Factory?! It’s the perfect birthday present idea. If that doesn’t give you favourite daughter in law status for years to come, the criticism of your cooking is bound to decrease and at the very least you’ll have a babysitter on command for a while.
If that’s not to your taste you could get her a set of Cards against humanity- Cards for Horrible People instead. With combinations like “Next from JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of” “Dead Parents” we’re sure it will go down a real hoot!
Your Sisters Husband
From Delightful Baskets
If you are not super close with your brother-in-law the best way to find birthday present ideas is a quick facebook stalk. If he goes for a certain sports team a couple of tickets to their home game is a thoughtful present that will make him believe you are the best person, ever. If he’s not into sports a boutique beer hamper always goes down well. If he doesn’t drink beer then don’t worry about it or him. You don’t need that sort of negativity in your life.
If that’s not to your liking then a gag pair of bum shorts that you demand he wear for the whole birthday festivities, especially lunch with his elderly grandparents, is a great option!
Your Rich Auntie Jan That Has Everything
There’s always that one person in your life who is super well off and has everything in the world before it’s even been invented. They indulge in things weekly that you save up for a year for, and you could never afford a birthday present that would be in the price range they’re accustomed to. It feels impossible to get them something they might actually appreciate.
Why don’t you scope your local markets for a one-off piece from a local artist that would never be found manufactured through a chain store? Whether it’s a painting, some jewelry or even a hand-made diary, a one of a kind gift like this is a great present for someone who has it all.
Another present idea you could go with is a wine rack bra. Bet your Auntie Jan never bought herself one of those before!
That Friend That Always Buys You Something
If you’re like most adults you save the birthday present buying for your partner, your family and your partner’s family otherwise you end up having to sell a kidney on the black market to afford it all. But then that one friend comes along that clearly is a monster that wants to watch the world burn, and makes life difficult by buying you a present.
It feels totally awks when they always buy you a present for your birthday, however, you really don’t want to buy them one. However, if you buy that one friend a present then you are setting a dangerous precedent to buying other friend’s presents and then when does it all end? Brain explosion just thinking about it.
You have a couple of options. You can explain that you appreciate the gift, but you’re not in the position to return the favor. Or you could get creative. Offer a night of babysitting for them, walk their dogs or bake them some cookies.
Or just re-gift what they gave you last year for a giggle and they’ll probably take a hint and leave you out for the next birthday.
New Partner
So you’ve just started dating someone. A new partner is officially the hardest person ever to buy a birthday present for. You haven’t been together long enough to establish the correct protocol so the question is do you try and splash out trying to impress or will that look too keen and needy?
In the early stages of a relationship, you are still getting to know each other. So why not choose a gift you can both enjoy that involves spending time more together, instead of trying to guess their favorite aftershave or jewelry preference? A brewery tour or combined surfing lesson would be fun or a cooking class if that’s more your thing.
Or if you really want to get to know them, buy them a pair of couple’s underwear, put them on and really let the fun begin!